you had income from australian superannuation or annuity funds?
You may be entitled to an Australian super income stream tax offset. Your PAYG payment summary – superannuation income stream may show the amount of tax offset you can receive on your taxed element.
If you received a taxable Australian superannuation lump sum payment, don’t show it here; go to Super lump sum.
you had income from australian superannuation or annuity funds?
What is income from superannuation?
A super income stream (also known as a super pension or annuity) is a series of periodic payments to a member. An income stream is either: account-based – the income stream is paid from a super account held in the member’s name.
you had income from australian superannuation or annuity funds?
Most annuities have both taxable and tax-free components. Your assessable income will include your taxable annuity payments when you receive the payment. This includes annuities you receive as a reversionary beneficiary.