1.halloween came from europe 2.in the past people made fires to keep the ghosts away 3.children go from party to party and collect masks 4. halloween is celebrated on 1st november?
Halloween or Halloween is a celebration that takes place in many countries on the night of October 31 of each year on the eve of the Western Christian holiday (All Saints’ Day), but they are two different holidays. Although the word Halloween (Halloween from Hallowe’en) is derived from “Hallows’ Even”, which opens the three days of the liturgical year of Western Christianity dedicated to the remembrance of the dead, Halloween, as it is now celebrated in many countries around the world In a style influenced by the American version, thanks to the dominance of American culture over the media in the era of globalization, a version that is far from religious roots.
Halloween is a cultural event celebrated around the world, particularly in the United States, Canada, Ireland, the United Kingdom and Australia.
All Hallows’ Eve is believed to be a Christian celebration heavily influenced by the traditions of the harvest festivals in the Pulpit culture, with possible pagan roots, particularly from the Gaelic Samhain festival. While other academic scholars assert that Halloween originated independently and has Christian roots.
1.halloween came from europe 2.in the past people made fires to keep the ghosts away 3.children go from party to party and collect masks 4. halloween is celebrated on 1st november?
Halloween traditions include trick-or-treating, Halloween costumes, decorating, carving pumpkins and placing jack-o’-lanterns, lighting flares, visiting haunted attractions, reading scary stories and watching horror movies. In many parts of the world, Christian religious ceremonies are still practiced including attending church services and lighting candles on the graves of dead relatives. Although in different parts of the world the holiday has turned into a commercial and secular celebration. Some Christians historically abstain from eating meat on All Hallows’ Eve, and some traditions that reflect certain foods on this day include apples, potato pancakes and cake.