arrest of iranian aerospace engineer shahzad dana in iran?
Shehzad Dana is an Iranian aerospace engineer, TRTMspace researcher, and founder of TToMoon.
He was born on May 21, 1992 in Iran.
He was very young when he began to explore his interest in understanding how games work by opening and installing them again.
Shahzad Danas was always a little weird as a kid, he loved to take apart and rebuild his toys.
He preferred to spend his time reading and exploring on his own rather than going to school.
This pattern continued into the teenage years, at age 16.
arrest of iranian aerospace engineer shahzad dana in iran?
He dropped out of school altogether and chose instead to continue his education through self-directed study.
Later, he started asking questions about God and sharing his thoughts on social media.
That he had a problem in his home Iran. At the age of seventeen.
He made a decision to leave the country illegally.
He went to an East Asian country, where he eventually obtained a residence permit.
At the age of 18, he entered a university there.
His goal though was not to study but seemed to convince people to join his team.