at which site do new aminoacyl trnas enter the ribosome during elongation?
The two subunits of the ribosome are made up of protein and ribonucleic acid (RNA). The RNA in the ribosome is a specialized type of ribosomal RNA (rRNA). Ribosomes are assembled into the nucleus of eukaryotic cells where hundreds of thousands of ribosomes can be assembled within one hour. When the subunits of ribosomes assemble, they travel to the cytoplasm; Where it can perform the translation process.
at which site do new aminoacyl trnas enter the ribosome during elongation?
Now that we know the two main components of the translation process, it is time to describe how tRNA and ribosomes work together to translate the mRNA sequence into a corresponding polypeptide.
at which site do new aminoacyl trnas enter the ribosome during elongation?
At which site do new aminoacyl tRNAs enter the ribosome during elongation? A-site. This is the site at which new aminoacyl tRNAs that are complementary to the mRNA codon enter the ribosome.
Where do new tRNAs enter the ribosome during elongation?
The ribosome has three sites for tRNA binding, designated the P (peptidyl), A (aminoacyl), and E (exit) sites. The initiator methionyl tRNA is bound at the P site. The first step in elongation is the binding of the next aminoacyl tRNA to the A site by pairing with the second codon of the mRNA.