die turven wat er boven de streep staat? , Welcome to our valued visitors and followers on Boxnell, this platform dedicated to all our methodological and educational issues, all cultural, scientific and technical issues, solving entertainment games, smart puzzles, and all celebrity news and general news that we present to you through the following lines of this platform, where we show you: die turven wat er boven de streep staat?
die turven wat er boven de streep staat?
Above the Line is a term used to refer to the individuals involved in directing and influencing the creative direction, direction, process, script, and script of a film as well as other related film production stage expenses actually incurred or agreed to be incurred prior to the start of filming, including the purchase of rights to the story Or the novel or idea from which the film script is based. These include the screenwriter, director, producer, and actors. The expenses of the preparation stage often make up the largest part of the film’s total budget.
hee die turven wat er boven de streep staat?
Originally, the term in English derives from the old picture of the film’s budget item list, which actually included a thick line separating the items and expenses of the two phases, with the above line representing the expenses of the preparation phase, while the below the line representing the expenses of the filming and preparation phase.