hell is other people is the english translation of a famous line in a play by which writer?
“Hell is other people” is a famous line from No Exit (1944), a philosophical play by the French existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980). No Exit is popularly understood as arguing that human relationships are essentially fraught with conflict. This interpretation seems to be supported by Sartre’s pessimistic discussion of relationships in Being and Nothingness (1943), his most famous philosophical work.
hell is other people is the english translation of a famous line in a play by which writer?
Top Answer
- Hence Sartre’s particularly famous phrase, Lenfer cest les autres, or Elle are other people, a reference to Sartre’s ideas about appearance and the constant ontological struggle of being made to see oneself as an object from the point of view of another consciousness.
hell is other people is the english translation of a famous line in a play by which writer?
Jean-Paul Sartre
“Hell is other people” is a famous line from No Exit (1944), a philosophical play by the French existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre (1905-1980).
Who first said hell is other people?
“Hell is Other People.” That’s actually a famous line from French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre’s 1944 play, “No Exit.” In the play, three characters arrive in Hell.