in the context of infant reflexes, which of the following best describes the babinski reflex?
We welcome you, readers of In this article, we will learn to solve an important question, which is in the context of infant reflexes, which of the following best describes the babinski reflex?
in the context of infant reflexes, which of the following best describes the babinski reflex?
The plantar reflex is a reflex that occurs when the sole of the foot is stimulated with a blunt object. The reflex can take one of two forms. In a normal adult, the ball of the foot reflex causes a downward flexion response of the big toe. The upward response (extension) of the big toe is known as the Babinski response or Babinski sign, named after neurologist Joseph Babinski. The presence of the Babinski sign can indicate a disease of the spinal cord and brain in adults, and is also found as a rudimentary reaction in infants.
in the context of infant reflexes, which of the following best describes the babinski reflex?
The baby’s toes will fan out and the big toe will move upward. In an adult, the foot and toes will curl inward
Which of the following statements describes the Babinski reflex in newborns?
Babies toes spread out when their foot is stroked.