man savagely beats mother with shovel china livegore?
What increased the anger of the Chinese was that none of the passers-by did nothing while the wife was receiving the fatal blows, while “Sky News Arabia” had reservations about publishing the video because it contained shocking scenes.
The footage, documenting the horrific crime, appeared on social media, before making its way to the media, and was watched by millions of Chinese.
hee man savagely beats mother with shovel china livegore?
The footage shows some cyclists, motorcyclists and pedestrians, including children, standing by and watching the beating that occurred on the side of the road.
Posts about the incident attracted tens of thousands of comments, mostly criticizing passers-by’s failure to help women and the laxity in dealing with domestic violence incidents in some sectors of Chinese society.
China only introduced a specific law criminalizing domestic violence in 2015, and activists say incidents of violence between family members are usually ignored.