northern gold coast residents will next week become the first customers in queensland to access supermarket drone deliveries. what is the maximum weight the delivery drones can handle?
A drone weighing 500 grams can fly for 20 to 30 minutes, but that flight time can be up to five minutes for a plane smaller than 50 to 100 grams, according to Chiraratanon, founder of robotics at the university; Which confirmed, “In order to reduce the energy consumption of the drone, the team looked at the seeds of the Japanese samara maple tree; (The seeds spin as they fall, which slows them down), which means they spend more time in the air. Commercial drones usually have four propellers oriented vertically to generate upward thrust. But we use propellers to generate rotation and put large wings on the fuselage of the drone, similar to a maple seed.” “We integrate the wings (made of thin plastic) into the drone, but we still allow it to stay in one place or hover over it,” he added, comparing this to planes that have large wings and move forward all the time, which requires a long runway to take off and land.