select all of the instruments that could belong to the rhythm section of a jazz band.?
Jazz is seen by many as “American classical music”. Since the age of jazz in the 1920s, it has been recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent folk and popular styles, all of which share the common bonds of their African American and European American musical origins with a performative orientation. Jazz is characterized by swaying rhythm and performance (swing) and blue notes, call-and-response vocals (decision and answer), multi-rhythm, and improvisation. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African American musical traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European troupe music.
Intellectuals around the world have celebrated jazz as an “authentic American art form”.
hee select all of the instruments that could belong to the rhythm section of a jazz band.?
Jazz originated in New Orleans after the beginning of the 20th century, and has been extremely popular ever since. Over the past century, artists have incorporated most instruments into jazz composition at one time or another. However, the genre frequently uses a limited number of instruments, and their sounds are responsible for the distinctive features of jazz.
The music was characterized by African traditions with a single melody line, call-and-response style, and the absence of harmonica in its European sense. Rhythms reflected African speech patterns, and the vernacular use of the Chinese (pentatonic) scale in jazz is a direct result of its diffusion in traditional African melodies.