what are the actions we need to take to reduce the environmental crisis?
Since the industrial revolution and technological development, environmental pollution has been steadily increasing, negatively affecting living organisms and sources of life. The reasons are known and so are the solutions, but the major industrial countries are procrastinating and postponing the implementation of solutions because they reduce their profits.
Environmental pollution is no longer a local problem or limited to the major industrialized countries. It has become a global problem due to the accumulation of its effects and the delay in implementing solutions.
The consequences associated with environmental pollution, manifested in the late last century; Global warming, the melting of floating ice in the Arctic, the emission of fine particles and disease or death, are all harmful effects that are increasing day by day, despite the signing of 190 countries of the Paris Climate Agreement at the end of 2016, which aims to stop global warming by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. greenhouse. 55 countries representing at least 55% of global emissions were forced to sign the treaty.
hee what are the actions we need to take to reduce the environmental crisis?
The concept of environmental pollution means any process of mixing any component of the environment, including water, air and soil, with harmful substances, energy or waves.
Some of these substances cause immediate and temporary damage, and others, their harm does not appear until after a long period of time, which leads to a severe disruption of the ecological balance and life on the surface of the earth.
Experts suggest some solutions to avoid environmental pollution and its risks. Including, reducing polluting activities and encouraging organic production while respecting environmental management and environmental protection (ISO 14001 standard).
At the same time, waste generation should be reduced and resource depletion avoided by all countries adopting waste recycling and treatment. This results in lower material consumption, reducing waste and releasing carbon into the atmosphere.
In addition, the destruction of natural habitats or natural habitat must also be restricted, to protect biodiversity, prohibit intensive hunting of endangered animals, etc.