what has four letters occasionally 12 letters? , The letters that are cut off are 14 letters, and they are repeated 78 times in the Qur’an , These broken letters appear in the beginning of 29 chapters of the Qur’an.
what has four letters occasionally 12 letters?
All the letters of the Arabic language have their sanctity that they acquired from their formation of the words of the Noble Qur’an, and the honor they have been given, due to their carrying of its great meanings.. This is the case with all letters, so how is the case with the categorical letters, and what God has blessed them with by distinguishing them from other Arabic letters, and beginning It has 29 surahs of the Qur’an.
hee what has four letters occasionally 12 letters?
The exegetes, old and new, were confused about these cut letters, so they went by various schools of thought.. Some of them said that they are the names of the surahs with which they began, and some of them said that they are symbols and references to the names of God Almighty, and some of them said that they or some of them are references to accidents that will occur. And some of them said that they are letters of the alphabet that have no meaning, but that they have meaning and wisdom, and it is a statement that this Qur’an, which the princes of eloquence and eloquence have been unable to produce, is one of these letters that these people synthesize their words from, and some of them said that it is from what God Almighty has accounted for his knowledge And He alone, Glory be to Him, knows best what He intended with it, and among them were those who tried to form comprehensible words from these cut letters.