what organization announced a team that will participate in its study of unidentified aerial phenomena?
Atmospheric elements – in the atmosphere.
Meteorology includes (weather and climate), and its fruits are meteorology. Its world is called atmospheric.
It is the temperature, atmospheric pressure, water vapor, the rates of their presence and the interaction of each element, and the changes that occur to them over time.
hee what organization announced a team that will participate in its study of unidentified aerial phenomena?
Studies in this field date back thousands of years, although major advances in meteorology did not occur until the eighteenth century. The nineteenth century witnessed rapid progress in meteorology after the development of the weather monitoring network (meteorological stations, etc.) across many countries. In the last half of the twentieth century, great progress was made in forecasting weather conditions, after the development of the electronic computer.
Most atmospheric events on Earth occur in the lower layer of the atmosphere – the troposphere. It studies different scales to determine how local, regional, and global systems affect weather and climate. Meteorology and climatology, atmospheric physics, and atmospheric chemistry are sub-disciplines of atmospheric sciences.
Meteorology and hydrology together constitute the science of hydrometeorological phenomena. Interactions between the Earth’s atmosphere and water bodies are part of ocean and atmospheric studies. Meteorology has many applications and is used in various fields such as the military, energy production, transportation, agriculture and construction.