when a charged trna is about to bind to the vacant a site of a ribosome, where is the growing polypeptide?
The ribosome is one of the organelles of living cells, and it is composed of ribosomal proteins and ribosomal RNA. Its main task is to translate messenger RNA into peptide chains that are then linked to form proteins. Thus, it is one of the important centers in the process of converting genetic information into proteins encoded within the genetic formula.
Ribosomes consist of two protein units, which do not combine with each other except in the case of protein formation. One of these units is larger than the other. The ribosome is the plant that converts the genetic information encoded into a peptide sequence of amino acids. Ribosomes can float freely in the cell as in prokaryotes, but in eukaryotes they may be found free in the cytoplasm, attached to the cytoplasmic face of the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum (specifically rough) or attached to the nuclear envelope.
when a charged trna is about to bind to the vacant a site of a ribosome, where is the growing polypeptide?
A peptide is a chain of amino acids. A peptide bond is a chemical bond between amino acids to form different proteins and is one of the strong bonds in protein structure.
The term “polypeptide” is also used for large proteins, and “poly” in Arabic means “multiple”. That is, a polypeptide means “polypeptide”. A peptide is a small protein, and a polypeptide is a large protein molecule.