which of the following is not a benefit of planning?
Planning is the administrative tasks that aim to define future goals, policies and vision for organizations and institutions and ways to achieve these goals. Prof. Muhammad Fawzi Al-Ashry defined “planning” as; Determining the goals to be achieved, drawing a course for them, defining the means of that path, with a clear conception of the developments and developments that can happen during the work, and setting appropriate ways of dealing with what has come to be called “the plan and the alternative plan”, provided that it targets that Maximum gains and minimum losses.
Nabil Al Samalouti defines planning as “the alignment between what is required and what is available in practice. It means mobilizing, coordinating and directing resources, energies and human forces to achieve certain goals, and these goals are achieved in a specific period of time determined by the plan, and each plan works to achieve the goals, at the lowest feasible cost. Lineman defines planning as “that deliberate and coordinated act carried out by planners aiming behind it to achieve general goals, or specific purposes for the interest and benefit of the members of the state, whether this is done by members of the parliamentary body in the nation, or the government seeks it directly.”
hee which of the following is not a benefit of planning?
- A clear vision and specific goals
- Optimum use of resources and capabilities and increase efficiency
- Reducing the potential risks
- Take control of the situation
- It helps you to make the right decision