within the frost line, planetesimals were composed entirely of rock and outside the frost line planetesimals were composed entirely of ice.?
An initial icy planetesimal is made of ice and rocks; the latter would be small grains (≥ 1mm), chondrules and CAIs embedded among the ice. The melting temperature, Tmelt, of the ice depends on the pressure, but we assume that the melting temperature of the ice is 273 K, for simplicity.
within the frost line, planetesimals were composed entirely of rock and outside the frost line planetesimals were composed entirely of ice.?
Frost is a natural climatic phenomenon that differs from snow and is more prevalent in the world. As this phenomenon spreads geographically to include some relatively hot countries, especially in winter. Sometimes frost occurs in the spring, when it is destructive for agricultural crops such as vegetables.
within the frost line, planetesimals were composed entirely of rock and outside the frost line planetesimals were composed entirely of ice.?