If the light is directly close to the car, at a distance of no more than several tens of meters, the driver will not see the whole picture, and most of the road will be in the dark. This will not allow, if an obstacle is quickly detected, to make a quick and correct decision.
you have your high beams on and another vehicle approaches. what is the minimum distance at which you must switch your high beams to headlights?
We are now interested in solving an important question about headlights, if you have a high beam of light and another vehicle approaches. What is the minimum distance you must turn the headlights high beam at?
The high beam is the most powerful light in the car. Use it as often as possible when driving in the dark. Since the high beam is very strong, it may dazzle other drivers. Do not use high beams in these cases:
When the opposite vehicles are too close, which may cause the driver to be dazzled (the same applies to the train, tramway and ship).
When driving behind another vehicle within walking distance (the driver may be dazzled by the mirror).
When the street is sufficiently lit, whether the light is natural or from street lamps.